studio progetto prodotto

On the top of a column of the Temple of Apollo in Syracuse, Italy, a red ant stayed for a few days. Apollo's Ant (aka by [bye] Discarica Culturale) has been used as the signature of the Discarica Culturale on the city of Syracuse and as a way to involve city's great heritage of antiquity using a simple sign.
Apollo's Ant has parallels with the lucertola vermexiana, a gecko carved in stone inserted in the cornice of the municipal building of Syracuse.
This was the signature of the architect Vermexio.

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Design by
Sebastiano Orazio Campione
Danilo Grasso
Antonio Maria Privitera

on behalf of Discarica Culturale

Photos by
Antonio Maria Privitera

apollo's ant - gallery

© 2005-2011 Discarica Culturale
